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What is this Campaign all about?
Arthur the Last Roman is the third part of the Trilogy of the Twilight Days of Rome Campaign Series
The first two Campaigns that also formed part of this Trilogy have been completed & the results of each are shown under the heading History of Britain from the Home Page
These were Vortigern & Hengist the Jute & Ambrosius & the Recovery
This Trilogy of Campaigns follow the state of the former Roman Provinces of Britannia, between the start of the decline of Vortigern, who had reigned as a pseudo-Emperor using hired Jutish mercenaries, to the rise of Arthur as the King of the Romans in Britannia
Arthur the Last Roman is set over a three year Campaign period & if he is successful, would allow him to progress to become the last Romano-British Emperor in Britannia
As a Player in this Campaign, expect to be involved over a real time period of 12 months. If you are interested in joining the other Players in this Campaign, please leave your details in the Contact Us menu option at the top of the page
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