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What is a Triples Wargames Campaign?


TRIPLES Campaigns are a mix of what could have happened in real life in any period but is  adjusted with certain ‘wargames mechanics’, to make them more easily playable and manageable. This balance hopefully provides both non competitional based wargamers & competition based wargamers a place, to enjoy the hobby. 


At the start of the Campaign, points are set for each Annual Objective. At the end of each year points are awarded based on those Annual Objectives, modified by any losses to those Objectives. These totals are carried forward annually to the end of the Campaign. Each Overall Strategic Objective is worth 100 points, which will be added to the total at Campaign end & a winner or winners declared.


Campaigns are all about taking a long-term strategic view of how to achieve your three Overall Strategic Objectives, based on the wealth & strength of your lands, plus your own cunning, military, political & religious abilities. As in real life, Campaigns revolve mainly around Strategy and Wealth.


Warfare may not be the primary focus of a Campaign, as if you get half your army wiped out in year one, you may struggle to survive in year two! If you do take to the field, logistics can play a large role in its success or failure. Always consider, “What do I do next, if this goes wrong!”. Campaigns are not like one-off tabletop battles, where a loss is not relevant for the next battle. It could be crucial in a Campaign.


Forming Alliances can be a good thing or could prove a double-edged sword. Beware of the Assassin’s knife! Once your Character is killed, then your role in that Campaign is ended.


Each Player is provided with a Player Pack, which gives details of the Resources (military, family, wealth, food, settlements etc.) & the three Overall Strategic Objectives. Campaigns run between 3 to 9 'Campaign' years.


Each Campaign year a Player completes their Player Pack,  including their own six Annual Objectives (2 Military, 2 Political & 2 Religious, which must help them achieve their Overall Strategic Objectives), plus the resources used to achieve these. The website provides all the additional information (Campaign Pack, maps etc.) to help them work out their annual strategy.


These Annual Player Packs are emailed to the Umpire by a set date, who collates them & responds, if 2 or more Players come into contact. The Players can then Change 1 of each type of Annual Objectives (that have not yet been completed), should they wish to respond to any actions undertaken by other Players during that previous cycle. The next cycle is then progressed by the Umpire, until all three annual cycles are complete. 


Any battles or sieges that occur, can either be  completed by Players at their club, within a given timescale, or Players can email Battlefield Orders to the Umpire & the battle, siege etc. will be completed by the Umpire & results will then be published on the website.


Want to join, once a new Campaign becomes available?

The website will be updated as each Campaign is completed & the next in the series published. Simply enter your details using the Contact Us (above) link item on the website Home Page, requesting your wish to join. Once signed up, all we ask for is your commitment for the duration of the Campaign. 

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